The holidays can be a trying time for families – and all the more so when a troubled young man is involved. If your son is sitting listlessly around the house, he’s already at an...
Youth Addiction Treatment
Could Helicopter Parenting Lead to Addiction and Other Mental Health Issues?
You want the best for your kids, which is why you go out of your way to protect them. The problem is that ‘helicopter parenting’ can actually set young people up for addiction in...
Here’s How Addiction Works on Your Brain
In a way, your brain is set up for addiction. The brain chemical dopamine plays a big part in how addiction takes hold. Here’s how it works, and what you can do about it....
Could Your Teen’s Friendships Free Him of Addiction, Depression and Anxiety?
Did you know that healthy relationships are vital to your teen’s mental and emotional wellbeing? Learning how to help him develop supportive friendships today can give him an...
How Your Teen’s Home Life Can Protect Him From Internet Addiction
Our understanding of internet addiction and how it affects teenagers continues to develop. Two new studies in China have found that students who are disconnected from their...
Could Your Son’s Top School be Placing Him at Higher Risker of Addiction?
For all the advantages that top schools offer young people, they may also introduce a few unwanted complications. According to a new study, those who attend elite schools are two...
3 Reasons Why Outdoor Activity Amplifies the Benefits of Rehab
The Edge rehab is located in the tropical, forested mountains of Northern Thailand, and nature factors heavily into the addiction treatment that we provide our clients. We’ve...
Is Social Media Addiction Making Your Son Depressed?
Without the safety net that previous generations of young people had in offline spaces, digital natives may be more likely to turn to alcohol and substance abuse to cope with...
Addiction Makes it Harder for the Brain to Anticipate Rewards
Our understanding of how addiction operates on the brain continues to develop. In a recent round of research, scientists learned that addicted people may actually have difficulty...
Is My Intelligent Teen at Greater Risk of Taking Drugs? Research Says: Yes.
Several studies have shown that intelligent teenagers are more likely to use illegal substances and drink alcohol by the time they reach adulthood. Is this a cause for concern...
How Young Adults’ Anxiety is Fuelling Addiction
Studies show that anxiety is on the rise among young adults, and this could have a direct effect on their substance abuse patterns. Addressing anxiety is a crucial component of...
Teen Addiction: Why Early Intervention Makes all the Difference
As a parent, you must be tuned in to your teen’s routines, relationships and behaviour. If you suspect that your child is experimenting with drugs or alcohol, don’t waste time...
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