Being a teenager is difficult – and so is raising one. For parents, it can be especially hard to understand why their teens sometimes act in ways that seems blatantly out of...
Marijuana addiction treatment
How the Evolving Legal Status of Marijuana Could Put Your Teen At Risk
As marijuana use and possession is decriminalised and legalised across much of the world, young people’s perception of this addictive substance is changing. What does this mean...
How Much Your Marijuana Addiction Really Costs
When you really take a look at the effects marijuana has on your life, you’ll be surprised to see just how much it’s costing you. Sharelines Hint: you’re missing out on things...
Addiction Makes it Harder for the Brain to Anticipate Rewards
Our understanding of how addiction operates on the brain continues to develop. In a recent round of research, scientists learned that addicted people may actually have difficulty...
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